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American Financial Solutions LLC Waterbury, Ct | Why Do You Need Auto Insurance?

Apr 21

Why Do You Need Auto Insurance?

When it comes to car insurance, there are a lot of myths out there. Some people believe that they don’t need auto insurance if they don’t have a car. Others believe that their rates will automatically go up if they make a claim. The truth is that auto insurance is important for everyone, no matter what. Here are some reasons why you should always have auto insurance: 


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To protect yourself in case of an accident

Auto insurance is there to protect you in case of an accident. If you are in an accident and don’t have insurance, you will be held liable for all the damages. That could include damage to the other car, personal injuries, and even property damage. You could end up paying out of pocket for thousands or even millions of dollars in damages.

Insurance also protects you from being sued if you are at fault in an accident. If the other driver sues, your insurance company will cover the cost of defending yourself in court. They may also pay out any settlements or judgments against you, up to the limits of your policy.

Insurance Agency, Auto Inusrance Waterbury, Ct

To cover costs associated with accidents

Most people understand the need for car insurance. After all, it’s required by law in most states. But many people don’t really know why they need auto insurance. They may think of it as a way to protect themselves financially in case of an accident, and that’s certainly one benefit of having coverage. But there are other reasons you need auto insurance, too.

Accidents can happen to anyone, and when they do, the costs can be astronomical. Repair bills, medical expenses, and even legal fees can add up quickly. If you’re involved in an accident and don’t have auto insurance, you could be sued for damages and wind up owing a lot of money. And if you’re sued and lose, your wages could be garnished and your assets could be seized to help pay the judgement.

Auto insurance can also protect from other types of losses, such as weather damage, theft, and fire. And if you have a loan or lease on your vehicle, your lender will probably require you to have insurance.



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To meet the requirements of your state

Most people understand the need for car insurance. After all, accidents happen and when they do, the costs can be astronomical. Without car insurance, you would be personally responsible for those costs. But what many people don’t realize is that there are other reasons to have car insurance beyond protecting yourself from an accident.

In every state, there are minimum requirements for auto insurance coverage. That means that if you drive without car insurance, you are breaking the law. And if you are caught driving without car insurance, you will likely face penalties such as fines or even jail time.

But even more than that, driving without car insurance can impact your ability to get a driver’s license or renew your current license. In some states, your license can be suspended if you are caught driving without car insurance. So not only will you have to pay fines if you drive without insurance, but you could also lose your ability to drive altogether.

Insurance Agency, Auto Inusrance Waterbury, Ct

To protect your assets

It is a common misconception that people only need auto insurance when they are in an accident. There are many reasons why people might need to have car insurance. One of the most important reasons is to protect your assets. If you are in an accident and you don’t have insurance, the other driver can sue you for damages. This could end up costing you a lot of money, which you would likely have to pay out of your pocket. Car insurance can help protect you from this type of situation.

Another reason why it’s important to have car insurance is that it can help protect you from lawsuits in general. If you are sued for any reason, having car insurance can help reduce or even eliminate the amount of money that you would have to pay out of your pocket. If you don’t have car insurance, you could end up having to pay a lot of money in damages, which could put a serious strain on your finances.

In addition to protecting your assets and helping to reduce your risk of being sued, car insurance can also help cover the cost of repairs if your car is damaged in an accident. This can be a very important benefit, as it can help you get your car back on the road after an accident and minimize the amount of time that you have to spend without a vehicle.


To get discounts on your car insurance premiums

Most people understand the need for car insurance. After all, accidents happen and when they do, the costs of repairs or replacements can be astronomical. But few people know that there are several ways to get discounts on your car insurance premiums, some of which you may not even be aware of. Let’s take a look at some of them.

One way to get a discount on your car insurance is to have a good driving record. Insurance companies reward drivers who have not had any accidents or tickets in the past three to five years with lower premiums. So if you’ve been lucky enough to avoid any mishaps on the road, be sure to let your insurer know.

There are several different types of auto insurance available, and each type has its advantages. American Financial Solutions offers a variety of auto insurance policies to meet your needs. We can help you find the perfect policy for your situation, and we’ll make sure you get the best possible rate. Contact us today to learn more about our auto insurance options. 

American Financial Solutions is an insurance agency that offers a variety of insurance products, including auto insurance. We are dedicated to helping our clients find the right coverage for their needs, and we offer competitive rates on all of our policies. Contact us today to learn more about our auto insurance options.


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